By: Grace Conley
“Cue the Timothée Chalamet fan girls my lord!”
Bruh I got no complaints. This movie is wonderful-plain and simple. I am an uncultured she-demon and I never read Little Women or watched the other remakes. The only information I had about this story was from that one episode of Friends where Joey and Rachel swap favorite books – and Rachel’s is Little Women. But I was actually really happy that I didn’t know anything about the story because I went in with fresh eyes and fell in love with it for the first time.

I really have no complaints about this movie, it’s incredibly well acted with a star-studded cast, breathtaking in its cinematography, the vision is clear and everything feels real and vulnerable. This is a beautiful film from start to end with so much heart and soul you will want to tear your eyes out!

Greta Gerwig really solidified herself as a personal storyteller and director with her sophomore film and I can’t wait to see what else she does because I know it will cut deep in the best possible way. I loved this movie!

9.9 out of 10