By: Grace Conley
“Chris Evans Rocks A Cable Knit Sweater.”

I finally saw Knives Out. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time and by golly, it did not disappoint. I don’t usually read or watch whodunnits. It’s not that I don’t like the genre, I just don’t naturally gravitate towards them. But I totally get the appeal and now I want to watch more. When I was younger I really wanted to be a detective because I watched a lot of Psych and this movie reawakened that in me.

There is nothing more entertaining than trying to figure out a puzzle as it unfolds in front of you in a film. I was super aware going into this movie, trying to make notes of every little thing, remembering lines and such and it made me like the movie so much more because of how invested I was.

My problem with Knives Out and the whodunnit genre as a whole is that it doesn’t really have any weight. It’s like pure entertainment, let me twist this complicated story on its head 10 times so you are constantly entertained. This movie did have some commentary on upper/lower class dynamics and immigration which I enjoyed but the movie is missing a soul.

There is nothing emotionally grasping in my opinion, but besides that it’s a pretty perfect movie. Incredibly well structured, shot, directed and acted there are no flaws despite the flaw of feeling. It’s an absolutely amazing movie and I will give it a high score but I’m not sure if it will make my top ten list from this year.

9.3 out of 10