By: Grace Conley
“Old Women Flock To Theaters Hoping To See Judy Garland In Her Glory Days But Are Disappointed Because This Is Sad From Start To End.”
I don’t have a lot to say about Judy. I was really sick when I saw it. It often makes me feel disconnected and more critical of films. Like with Spider-Man Far From Home, I was super sick and I didn’t like it as much the first

But my overall verdict for this movie is Meh. I felt so far from all of the characters and their decisions.
Judy’s whole intention during the movie is to support and be there for her kids, but we never get that satisfaction and never see their connection. She has a strange relationship with a younger man that comes outta nowhere and adds very little to the plot.
The movie is kinda just the same thing that’s happening over and over again. She drinks too much, takes too many pills, can’t sleep, performs. Sometimes the performance is good and the other times it’s drugged up. And that just happens for like 2 hours.

My favorite parts of this movie were the flashbacks to her as a girl when she was filming the wizard of oz. They were the most engaging and emotional scenes for me. I also like a connection she made with two of her fans, and a few of her performances. Renee is good in this movie, and I can see her being nominated for this I’m just not a fan. She did apparently sang all the songs, but some of them are really poor lip-synced and it’s distracting.

I don’t know, I’m not a fan. I probably would like this movie more if I saw it again and I wasn’t sick, but I have no urge to do that.

7.2 out of 10