By: Grace Conley
Joker is a wonderful movie. I disagree very strongly with the current critic reviews of this movie. I read some that called it, “bad, boring, cliche, and lack of meaning”, that it doesn’t say anything and I disagree with all of those. I think this movie is glorious. Maybe it drags on a couple times and lifts heavily from Scorsese, but even then I think this movie is better than what it’s getting.

From a technical standpoint, it’s magnificent. The cinematography is gorgeous! From start to finish every frame is shot so beautifully with such careful consideration for color and light. It is really refreshing to see a “comic book movie” that has its own unique style, but I don’t consider this a comic book movie at all. It’s a drama through and through. A character study of someone who happens to live in a comic book universe. But if you know nothing about DC or the joker, you wouldn’t know that it was a “comic book movie.”

This movie is absolutely a reflection of society. It has a commentary and message that is meant to be paralleled with today. But I will get into that later. The main reason I love this movie is Joaquin Phoenix. He is FANTASTIC. This movie is worth watching for his acting alone. He carries the whole film. He is mesmerizing to watch. I could write a whole dissertation on his body movements alone. He is genius, masterful, his laugh, his body, his facial expressions, his eyes, you can see all of the joker’s layers in Phoenix’s performance. It is amazing to watch. I think he should definitely be nominated for an Oscar for this performance and possibly even win, which is sad to say cuz I really wanted my boy Taron Edgerton to win for Rocketman, but this is a new level.
The score is also phenomenal, it’s a slow build but very carefully cultivated. And the plot is engaging throughout.
I think at one point I was distracted by my own thoughts and that was only because I dropped my phone down the seat crease.

Another fascinating part of this movie that I love is his relationships with other people. Specifically with his mother and his neighbor played by Zazie Beets. A lot of times this movie feels like you are just watching someone’s life, unsure of the plot points and an arc as a whole, but I have no problem with that and I think it adds to the commentary this movie has.

Overall I think Joker has a lot to say, it is getting people talking and thinking, and whether you believe this movie is too violent or a bad influence or if it’s genius, you gotta agree that it sparked a thoughtful conversation, which is more to say for any “comic book movie” or any movie alone. I really loved this

9.4 out of 10