By: Grace Conley
“IT 2 is just IT 1 with a CGI Finn Wolfhard and it’s worse.”

IT Chapter 2 is a good time. I was really excited for this movie, seeing that I loved the first one. I was excited for the cast all grown up and all the trailers looked really good. Let’s just say, it did not live up to the hype.

This movie has some real problems, starting with pacing. It is so awkwardly slow. It takes so long to set up all of the characters grown-up lives, how they come back together, and then right when they get together, they split up again! And that’s my least favorite part of this movie. The whole premise surrounds this need for unity, friendship and that they won’t be able to kill pennywise without all coming together. Yet most of the movie they are separate, and interacting with P

None of the actors really stand out, which is disappointing because there are some really talented people and none of them are utilized well. Like James McAvoy, what a man can act and in this movie, he is so dull. Bill Hader too! He just ain’t as funny as I would have hoped. My favorite performance was from James Ransone who plays Eddy. This mofo is funny and I appreciated it. Also, Mike is barely in this movie which makes no god damn sense because he is the reason everyone comes back in the first place and he never gets any scenes on his own or like any lines so oop. Also, they resurface Henry and it doesn’t work at all.

The scares are pretty good though, I appreciated them, even jumped a few times. I even had thoughts of the spooky thoughts a few times.

I do wish there was more of the full crew confronting Pennywise though. It would have been more impactful that way. I guess I’m just disappointed. It’s a fine movie, better than fine, I was just expecting more. In conclusion, IT 2 is just as scary as the first one, but less funny and with less heart.
6.9 out of 10