By: The Don
Matthew is still relatively new to the film world but has large expectations that are coming to reality. Matthew has acted in his own films and took his film expertise to another level by starting his own film production company The New In Crowd Films. He is a hard working film enthusiast who is great at multitasking. From CEO to acting in his own films, you can say that Matthew is one step closer to stepping on the red carpet.
What’s your name?
Matthew Delia

How long have you been in the Entertainment Industry?
About 5 years. I graduated from acting school in 2015 and founded the new In-Crowd Films in 2016.
What do you currently do within film?
I act, write, direct, produce.
What got you into film originally?
I’ve always had a love for the art form of acting and being involved in the production, particularly film. I loved the fact you can reach an immense audience and unify people through film and theatre.
What was your first-ever lead acting role?
It was in a Drexel student film. My first feature film role was in The Deal. The film is available on my Youtube channel.
What was The Deal about?
A man (Blake Scottman) gives his girlfriend a new street drug called Street Tang and she ends up overdosing. Blake then loses his mind and hunts down the dealer who sold it to him, who used to be a former employee.
Do you think that acting school helped you prepare more as an actor or do you think someone without the schooling could it as an actor/actress?
I feel like any sort of formal acting class can only help. Some people just have “it” but “it” can be extremely rough and needs polishing. It all depends on that particular actor. You can learn certain ways to make your performance nuanced and truly moving, that you may not be able to accomplish without some training. Plus agents/managers want to see that you are always working on improving your craft.
Tell us about your Film Production Company The New In Crowd Films, where is it based out of?
The New In Crowd Films is based out of Philadelphia. We’ve produced a feature and two short films. We are almost finished editing our third short film and we start the principle photography. Follow us on Instagram @thenewincrowdfilms.

What is life like being the big boss of The New In Crowd Films?
It is stressful because if there is a problem, you’re one of the first people everyone looks at. But the people I work with are much smarter than me and can tackle anything. They make me look good.
Do you have a steady crew at The New In Crowd Films?
Yes, we have a crew of great people who honestly are the backbone of every production. They bring their best to every project and constantly give their all, for which myself and Alejandro (my business partner) are extremely grateful.
What is your favorite part about owning your own film production company?
I have the chance to give stories and give people the chance to be heard and seen. In Philadelphia, there definitely is a film crowd. The New In Crowd Films is for the outcasts who didn’t fit in. I also want to be able to tell personal stories of mine, such as The Note, which was my second short film in conjunction with Xuth Productions.
What was In-Crowd Films first-ever film?

Tell us about your short film The Note.
The Note is actually based on an event that happened to me. It is about an average Joe (named Joe) that falls in love with a girl that he became friends with, in class. He struggles with how to tell her out of fear and because of the fact that she is in a relationship, we see how he developed feelings for her while he is on his way to take a final exam for the class they both have. He eventually tells her he loves her through a note.

The Note was a way to work through pain, I made it to fully tell someone (who will probably never see it) how much I cared about them. Also, I made it as a way to fully say goodbye to this person. I also wrote and directed it. The events were dramatized for the film, but it was based off of a true event in my life.
What is your film Dirty Data about?
Dirty Data is about a guy and his girlfriend confronting the guy’s roommate about his porn addiction and how he masturbates to the point of not being able to stay in the apartment.

Are you originally from Philadelphia?
Yes. The South Philadelphia area.

Do you love filming in Philly and why?
I do. Philadelphia has a plethora of interesting places and talented people (both crew and actors).

What famous areas have you shot your films in Philly?
We have shot in Center City, South Philadelphia, and the Roxborough/ Manayunk areas.

Have you filmed outside of Philly?
Yes. Brooklyn, New York City for the film that Alejandro directed titled Decisions.

What are your future plans for The New In Crowd Films?
To develop an episodic web series and to just keep putting content out. We are always accepting script submissions at
What is the upcoming series about?
Our plan is to develop one. We don’t have anything ready to announce just yet.
What is your favorite part about working in the entertainment industry?
Telling stories through film or performance that people feel a deep connection to. Getting stopped on the street is cool too. I was in a Netflix movie titled Backfire (2017) and I have two scenes with dialogue.
You said you were a writer as well, what have you written so far?
I wrote The Deal, The Note, and co-wrote the upcoming film Food Pursuit and a script that won the best script in a screenplay competition titled Holiday Hostage.
What adversities have you faced within the industry?
Not given a shot. I was stuck in background work until I took matters into my own hands. And I created my own content.
Have you won any awards / accolades?
I have. My projects have been in festivals and my script holiday hostage won best screenplay.

Is there anyone you look up to in the film industry?
I look up to Rob Mcelhenney. He made his dream come true through similar circumstances to me. We come from a semi-similar background.

Do you have a favorite actor(s) / actress(es)?
Edward Norton, Joaquin Phoenix, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey Jr.

What is your favorite film?
Spider-Man 2.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In New York City or Los Angeles. To be King of the industry!
So you want to rule Hollywood?
Yes! And then the world!
What advice do you have for others entering the industry?
Don’t wait for other people to come to give you an opportunity. Create your own opportunity. Also always be hungry, yet humble. Talent goes far, but hunger for the end result takes you to the finish line.