By: Grace Conley
“Objectively bad but subjectively a fun time.”
I saw Countdown on Halloween night for some spooky jump, scare fun and that’s exactly what I got. I personally have no problem with jump-scare horrors. I think it’s fun and stupid, and while the scares don’t last and aren’t “good” they make for fun entertainment. I do prefer to be scared and think about it forever, but there’s nothing quite like that quick jolt in your heart when something pops up outta nowhere.

The basic premise of this movie is that there’s an app that tells you when you’re gonna die with a countdown clock and the people who don’t accept their fate face the consequences. It’s a basic principle makes for perfect cheap horror, but I genuinely enjoyed this movie.

It was surprisingly really really funny. Tom Segura is in it as a tech genius and he’s funny, and there’s a very funny priest, I was laughing out loud multiple times.

And the story really isn’t half bad. There are some emotional ties and there’s some soul in it, while it is shallow it’s a good mindless shallow. Technically it sucks. It’s a very ugly movie. The audio is really poor throughout but ahhh whatever. I think this movie gets a bad rep and if you’re looking for mindless spooky fun then this is a great option.
5 out of 10