By: Grace Conley
“Brad Pitt as Bradaddy issues. Brad Pitt suckles a food tube like a hamster. Lima project? More like LIGMA project. Okay, I’m done.”
Ad Astra is a sci-fi movie that I didn’t know was a sci-fi movie for a while. This movie takes place in the future where our phones are just pieces of glass and anyone can take a trip to the moon.

Anyways this movie has some very compelling aspects to it, like the society of this new future, the technological advances that made the film, and Brad Pitts decent into space madness. But it just misses the mark for me overall. I felt no emotional connection to this movie, as I kept zoning out, and the movie is so god damn long that I kept thinking different scenes were gonna be the end and they were gonna just be like that. But

I was bored and tired and wanted some action. There are like three interesting scenes in this movie that are engaging to watch, the rest feel like work.

What I did really appreciate about this movie is the cinematography. It is drop DEAD gorgeous. Definitely one of the most beautiful of the year. It was stinking throughout, and the in-camera transitions and lifting changes were what kept me watching this movie. There were just some amazing advances in production design in this movie and the whole look of the film is magnificent. That’s about it.
Ooh and the sound design is good, but space movies always have a good sound design.

I really didn’t care for this movie at all, Brad Pitt is fine. Most of his story is told through voice over which I wasn’t a fan of. No other characters really mattered. The film is supposed to be about his relationship with his dad and it lacked that connection so much.

Ruth Negga is there for a minute and they have a convo in a very cool room with nature projected on the walls. And then she is gone. Liv Tyler says ONE line and it’s not even to Brad Pitt it’s through like a video call. Maybe I’m not smart enough for this movie, or people are giving it too much credit cuz it looks good. Either way – I am not a fan. Also what the heck kinda name is Ad Astra? I hate it.

5.9 out of 10