By: The Don
Michael Cannady is an actor at heart. While still relatively new in acting, Michael is already making waves in the film industry. Michael is growing, adapting, improving, and developing himself every day. He has the passion and energy when he studies, learns, and gets into character for each role he plays. His favorite role was playing one of the biggest icons in United States history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Just like MLK Jr, Michael has a very big heart and wants to use his skills to help others offscreen. Michael wants to create his own foundation and help people in communities that desperately need it. He has talent, love, dedication, and heart, the traits that are needed to survive in a popular and high demand industry.
What is your name?
My name is Michael Cannady.
How long have you been in the film industry?
I’ve been in the film industry for a year and a half now to almost two years. I signed with Legacy Talent agency out of Jacksonville, Florida back in mid-2018, and I’m blessed to say acting is working out quite well for me so far. Especially since I’ve had opportunities to break out in Hollywood. Though I didn’t get casted to play the part, I’m greatly humbled to the fact that top tier directors in film even thought of me.

What do you currently do within the entertainment industry?
Currently, I’m getting auditions to in the Film/TV section, Commercials, and voice-over opportunities here and there. I just recently dipped my foot in theatre, now I have a love for theatre. Speaking of that, back in January, I starred as Martin Luther King Jr. in the “It Was All A Dream” show at Dream City here in Orlando. I cherished that entire experience being in front of a large audience. Bringing back memories of “The Dream” of what one of the biggest black history icons the world had, to how he was dedicated to making change and seeing equality amongst our brothers and sisters.

How did it feel to star as Martin Luther King Jr.?
First off, I want to say it was an honor to star as one of the most famous black history icons in all of history. Martin had many dreams. Martin dedicated his life to wanting to make the world a better place for melanated people. He wanted to leave a footprint for the next person in case he didn’t get to see his dream come true, which was equality. He wanted others to embrace others that were different and to uplift and encourage one another. Martin was a powerful speaker and was greatly respected.
To put myself in his shoes, especially with my mindset, I remember feeling a chill run down my spine. In a good way. I’ve always been one to dream big. And even if others thought I was crazy for having the dreams in mind. I still pursued with faith knowing I would impact someone else greatly, even if I was persecuted for it. To get on the stage and have my black suit on, white shirt n black tie on in front of others starring as Martin is a time I will never forget in my career.
In film, knowing I made others laugh, receiving hand claps from a packed house after the show, that moment will always sit with me especially with audience members stopping me in the middle of the hallway congratulating me and saying “I killed it”.

Was playing Martin Luther King Jr. your favorite character you played as?
Honestly, I’d have to say Martin Luther King Jr is by far the best character I’ve starred as, so far in my career. When you look at my IMDB page, that name stands out. It was an honor to play one of the biggest black history icons to ever speak.
Is there a specific role that you really want to portray in the future?
My lifelong dream has always been to one day star as a Superhero in a Marvel or DC Universe movie or become a Power Ranger. Green Lantern, Black Panther, Luke Cage, Black Lightning, Falcon, and Batwing are some of my all-time favorite superheroes. Out of all those characters, I’d have to say Black Panther is my ultimate favorite.

It would blow my mind away if I was given an opportunity by the director Ryan Coogler to star in the second Black Panther movie. As I’ve said before, and I have proof haha, I’ve had over five opportunities to break out in the big leagues and play with the big boys, but never got the part. But that would really make my day if that became a reality… especially with me just being an ordinary humble guy.

What got you into acting originally?
Expressing myself to others. Sharing stories. Being a storyteller. I love the challenge of bringing a character to life to my audience. There’s nothing better than sitting down with a script in my hand and exploring my character. Once I’ve figured my character out, bringing the human emotion into it and revealing it to the audience and giving them a hell of a show. Life is beautiful. I can tell you this, I have a lot of passion, energy and it’s a privilege and a blessing to do what I’m doing. I want to give all praises to The Most High that I’m doing what I’m doing.
Does finding that human emotion comes naturally or is it something that it is taught?
It’s all about discovering your character. For me, it comes naturally. And not to brag either, I’m a very humble individual and I consider others better than myself. I always study, copy, and read each line out loud to figure out how each line needs to be read. Reading the other characters’ lines to see how I should be responding, meaning tone, facial expression, and stance. Human emotion is a beautiful thing especially using it in film, theatre, and voice-overs.

Have you received any auditions in Hollywood as of yet?
I never went to California. I received opportunities to play in the Fox TV Show “The Resident” as a board member back in 2019 and as A Garden Judge in a HallMark TV Show. I didn’t get the parts, but knowing I haven’t been in the game for a long time speaks high volumes. After all, making it in film is like playing the lottery, only ten percent make it. I’m grateful to have the natural ability to do what I do and adapt quickly.
Do you plan on going to California?
California is one of my dream trips. Some of my family has been to Cali except me. I’m going. No excuses. I definitely want to visit LA to be specific. To answer the question, yes. As long as I’m out there for a purpose which is getting represented by a legit agency that’ll help me get the big-time gigs and get consistent work.
When did you start film and what was your first film?
I started out in film back in late 2017 to early 2018. The first film I was in was “Beyond Scope” back in 2017. My character was “Agent F”. Didn’t have a speaking role, but it was an opportunity for me to get a feel for film, and to sit back and take notes from others who’ve been in the business for a while. It was a “welcome to the film industry” opportunity for me. And I’m proud to say I’ve taken the time to work on my craft and honestly, put in the work to become marketable to directors around the world.

What was it like being on set for the first time? Did you get nervous or scared?
I actually graduated from UCF with a Broadcast Journalism degree. I have experience of being in front of the camera. I will say this, I remember one of my favorite comedians saying this to Kevin Hart. I always get those butterflies. Nervousness. I don’t think you’ll ever have a day where you won’t be nervous. It’s human nature because you want to perform well which is understandable. To calm my nerves, I always pick one pretty lady out of the crowd and look at her if I’m doing theatre. Or if I’m on set, I just remember that even the best actors actresses still get nervous. And just ball hard and be… me. Just have to relax, don’t let it overtake you and know you’ll do a hell of a job.

Do you like Theatre or Film more or both?
Let me say it like this, as long as I’m performing in front of a camera, that’s all that counts. I love both. It’s funny because when I was in high school, I hated public speaking. I believe a majority of people do anyway since it’s the number one fear in the world. I’ve come a long way to build my confidence, overcoming my fear of speaking in front of large crowds and now I’m reaping great benefits from it, even though the pain of going through the fire was painful.

Are you from Philly?
No, I’m not from Philly. I grew up in Florida all of my life. Most of my family are from South Florida. I was born in Gainsville, Florida.
Have you been to Philly?
I’ve never been to Philadelphia. I will say this, I know a brother here who’s from Philadelphia and owns hid own food shop, and I tried a real Philly Cheese Steak for the first time. It was called the Miami Heat. Oh, and I’m a Julius Erving fan even though I’m from the new school.
What do you do outside of acting?
Ay if you going to roll with me, you have to be adventurous haha. The world is such a beautiful place outside of where I’ve lived. I spend my time doing different rope courses in different cities, zip-lining, I love to travel! I take pleasure in learning different cultures and understanding how life is outside of the USA. I look forward to doing this rope course I saw in South America in Colombia. Speaking of Colombia, Mike loves Latin women. Don’t get me wrong though I love the sistas too haha. Not to get off subject, I look forward to trying indoor surfing. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while and I’m going to knock that off my list this year if I can. I’m also into ATVs, 10K’s, wine tasting, and dancing.

Who is your favorite Celebrity?
Before I answer, I just want to say I’m Pro-Black. You’ll never find a more Pro-Black brotha than me. Even I don’t know you, I’ll support you. As much as I love Denzel Washington, I gotta go with my man Cube (Ice Cube). I’m a 90s baby but he’s so versatile. I never knew how he can throw it down on the mic rapping until four years ago. Didn’t know he was a legendary west coast rapper with NWA until I saw the Straight Outta Compton (2015) movie. I respect him so much because he looks out for his people, especially with how the media portrays black men. It was basically a slap in the face letting everyone know that “Hey, yeah I came from Compton but that doesn’t mean In going to be a gangbanger and be a lowlife. I have goals and I have dreams.” Every time I listen to one of his tracks, I get even more fueled and juiced to want to excel more and do more. It’s a beautiful feeling.
Do you have any inspiration?
Of course! I believe it’s important how one’s thought process is. Let’s say if I have a bad day tomorrow does that mean I’ll have a bad day the following? No. Life is full of trials and tribulations and its to build us, to help others, and to make the world a better place by being a sound leader. I’m inspired by looking at the The Most Highs creation with love, peace, and joy. After all the world is a beautiful place as I’ve mentioned many times. I always do things I love to keep me motivated and upbeat. Going to the gym is one, praying a lot so I’m spiritually healthy and my mind is right before the day starts and eating right. Which is crucial. These things are very critical and important for me to keep myself going.
What is your favorite movie?
Here goes the home run hit… Friday After Next (2002)!! A classic. Uncle Elroy (Don DC Curry) is a fool man haha.

“Yall tired of eatin’ that barbecue up the street that give you mo sauce then they give you meat? Then bring your big ass down to Bros. Barbecue, 15837 Crenshaw Boulevard, that’s right off Manchester. Bros Barbecue, taste so good make you wanna slap yo momma! Don’t it Willie?
Do you have any upcoming films?
The Ravenwood Chronicles is an upcoming film that I’ll be playing in. I’m playing also in another film this Saturday (07-11-20) called “After The Fall”. The director has an interest in some big markets. Hopefully, it can make it to the big screen haha. I’ll be playing as an extra

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years, I see myself playing in the prime time films, Broadway Theatre shows, and doing voiceovers for films as well. On the other side, and this coming from the heart, I’m very spiritual so I want to give back to my community to. To all the brothers and sisters out there. I want to create my own foundation… the Michael Cannady foundation in which it’ll gear towards helping those that have broken homes, that need guidance/mentoring and being a blessing to those that live in very low-income areas to reach their goals and to continue standing on their feet getting through this journey called life.

What advice do you have for others who want to enter into the Entertainment Industry?
Listen to me closely, everyone that is reading this: Be yourself first n foremost. Never become arrogant/cocky and always take notes. I say be yourself because we live in a new era/ society now where folks have become even more judgmental and cold toward others. I have zero shame in saying this, but I went through racism/uncomfort during my time as a student at UCF in the Broadcast-Journalism track. It was because I didn’t follow the agenda that was laid out, which was to “act more white” especially UCF being a predominantly white university.

Because I did my own thing and wanted to be Mike, I had a couple of teachers who had an issue with that and one who was a white Latina female. She humiliated me in front of my own classmates. She embarrassed me and kill my self-esteem due to irritation that I stood up for myself and didn’t follow her way. The other who was a male did it as well and nagged at me too at times.
With that said, I wanted to say this because directors can tell if you’re being yourself. Whether you’re doing an audition in front of the production team or at home or if you’re on set filming if you were cast to play a part.

I believe one of the toughest obstacles in life is waking up and just having to understand that everyone is different. We all have our own personalities. If you ask me, if everyone were the same, it would be boring because there’s nothing to learn. That’s the beauty of life, discovering and digging deeper into something you’re curious to know about because you see gold in it.
It’s like going on a date with a woman. But be yourself. It’s key. Don’t be something you aren’t. Just because you don’t use big articulate vocabulary when you speak, it doesn’t mean you aren’t educated and can’t have an intellectual conversation. Just like my man “The Rock” always says: “Be you. It’s more sexier!!!”

I’ve been on a lot of sets as well especially up in Georgia and I’ve seen arrogant/cocky actors/actresses. Let me tell you, I’ve been in the game for almost two years now (acting) and I’ve come across people who’ve been in film for twenty to thirty years, (personally told me too) and never had one break out season. And I see why after taking some time to talk with them and kicking back in my seat observing them on set and off.

Having an its all about me attitude, I’m better than you (get out the way), and putting others down will follow and catch up with you. Don’t think it won’t because it will and it’ll get you nowhere. Meaning in life.
Always be humble and consider others better than yourself. Respect other actors and actresses on set too. It never hurts to take either. Don’t take it personally if you’re only receiving “extra” work. Take it as an opportunity to learn, watch other actors/actresses. See what you can improve on to step up your game. Whether it’s facial expressions, bringing the character to life, your movements or reading the script, and sounding believable. Trust me… I’m hard on myself, especially being an Aries. I have a warrior-type mentality so I’m looking at what areas I can work on so that when I go on set, I’m able to perform my character the way I want my audience to see him as.