By: The Don
2019 is finally coming to an end. It has been a great year for us! From great blockbuster hits at the box office to the expansion of streaming giants like Netflix films and the launch of Disney+! 2019 will forever be our year because we created and launched our entertainment website on New Years Day in 2019.
We started out as a very small Instagram page with little to no followers back in Summer 2018 and over the year of 2019, we grew to over 1800 followers! That may not be a lot, but to us that’s amazing. We thank everyone who follows and supports us every day!
We also started a small Facebook page! From merging Five-Oh Entertainment to our official facebook page Phillytainment, we are expanding and spreading Phillytainment to everyone. Follow our page Phillytainment for more!

I want to give a special shoutout to the hard-working and dedicated film reviewers Grace Conley (@gracetalksmovies) and Liz (prettyyvngthng) who take time out of their busy schedules and post their reviews for us to read. They are awesome and I have to give them special recognition for their hard work. I also want to give a special shoutout to Nicole Baldino (girlwatchesmovies) for her contributions to our page and her passion for films.
We also launched our Faces of Entertainment project mid-year. I decided to create the project to interview people who are currently in the Entertainment field to help spread their experiences, knowledge, adversities and overall their passion for why they do what they do every day. I want others who aspire to work in the Entertainment industry to have an idea of what it is like and help them achieve their entertainment goals from the real working professionals! I want to personally thank our interviewees: Liz (prettyyvngthng), Grace Conley, Michelle Goldsborough, Frank Aguilar, Jenny Moon, Heidi Martinez, Rachel Ofori, Brooke Noel Kessler, Kayla Winsor, and Chelsea “Shalah” Scruggs for taking the times out of your busy schedules to be interviewed and share your stories. We will be expanding more into this project as we enter into the New Year and will have more interviews for you to read soon!
Liz Grace Conley Michelle Goldsborough Frank Aguilar Jenny Moon Rachel Ofori Kayla Winsor Heidi Martinez Brooke Noel Kessler Chelsea “Shalah” Scruggs
2019 has been really great to us. We hope 2020 will be an even better year for us. We will be adding new things further into the year and we will be updating our website with new improvements. Thank you for your support and Happy New Year to you all!